The Natural History Museum in Granica


This museum was established in 1990 as one of the first of its type in the Polish national parks. It is situated 40 km from Warsaw, in close proximity to attractive tourist destinations (Żelazowa Wola, Niepokalanów). As a result, it is one of the fixed points of school trips, and is a place often visited by tourists during weekends. The Centre includes the following attractions: The Museum of the Kampinos Forest, three open-air museums with examples of local architecture, among others "Chata Kampinoska" (the Kampinos Cabin), run by the members of the "Kampinos Society" Association, the "Skrajem Puszczy" nature trail, a tourist information centre where you can also buy publications, and a car park.

Interesting facts

Just outside the centre there is a remarkable military cemetery, whose layout resembles the shape of an eagle. It is the resting place of the soldiers of the "Poznań" and "Pomorze" Armies who died during the fighting in the Kampinos Forest in September 1939.

On the map